Friday, May 30, 2008


Shopping on Queen a couple of weekends ago Shell and I found this antique store (I think Art Deco...) with a downright bizarre collection of lamps. Here are some of my favorites...

Clearly this lady is a very sexy ballerina.

If she was on my bedside table I'd never get any sleep.

Q. Are We Not Men?

A. We are Equus.

A horsey! Wearing a Devo "Whip It" hat!

And my favorite... The Mushroom Fairy.

It's the knife that makes it art. Also the hat. And the boots. And check out those calves!

Is it just me, or does this fairy look vaguely like Renee Zellweger?


So, though there's little evidence to suggest I can maintain one blog consistently for any length of time, I've started a second...

It's called SNEAKY SUBMARINE, and is dedicated solely and wholly to music.

I'm a music geek of sorts, and even though the header says and will continue to say that BOATS MADE OF OCEAN is about, at least in part, music I wanted someplace that was all about music.

Anyway, I hope you take a second to check it out. I've written a not terribly great little blurb about a terribly great HARMONY TROWBRIDGE show I went to recently, and a review of the new ELVIS COSTELLO album, MOMOFUKU... Which is brilliant, by the way.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Lady belongs to Shelley's co-worker, Linnea. It didn't come out in the questionnaire, but in the interest of full disclosure I feel there's something you should know: I have it on good authority that this little black pug has a touch of... Well, the racist in her. Apparently she barks incessantly whenever black people come near. Can you say "self-loathing"?

FULL NAME: Lady Cain.

AGE: 3 years old on May 15th.


FAVORITE TOY: Too many to mention: Animal, from the Muppets; Telus Rabbit; "Pinky," a pink toy I bought her... She bites the noses off of the toys (wonder why?) and then eats the stuffing. We go through lots of toys, but I don't have the heart to throw them out.

FAVORITE GAME TO PLAY: "Can't catch me!" Bum in the air and head on the floor, glaring up at me. I swear she runs faster than a Greyhound.

FAVORITE PLACE TO SLEEP: Under the covers cuddling me.

TRIVIA: When she was a puppy and friends or family would go to leave our house, she would bark-scream because she didn't want them to go... It actually sounded torturous. Probably the reason the
neighbors still don't really talk too much to us!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Okay, last post on this, I promise...

This is the giant piece that I'd mentioned before...



Thursday, May 15, 2008


These are the remaining photos I have from my time lurking in the alleyways at Bathurst and Queen... As I said in my previous post, while I was there the artists who did the majority of these pieces were working on something new; someday I'll go back and get pics of their new work.

To be honest, there's one more piece from the alleys that I have a photo of, but I'm having trouble up-loading it, as it is HUGE. (The actual piece is about fifty feet long and fifteen feet high, and my photo is made up of about twelve photos combined into one... I'll figure it out and post it as soon as I can... It really is the best of the bunch.)

I forgot to mention last time: You can see larger versions of the photos by clicking on them.

I like this one, though. "The hunchback":

"Space Elvis":


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


My friend Shelley filled in the questionnaire for her roomate's adorable kitty, Sophie, for this, the inaugural edition of Other People's Pets! Look at that face!

Sophie Shepperdley.

NICKNAMES: "The Sophinator."

AGE: 8 months.

BREED: Blue British Shorthair.

FAVORITE TOYS: Red ball; Yellow thing; Right now the dangly doorknob thing is the hot item.

FAVORITE GAME TO PLAY: The standard cat games, including "You Pet Me / I Bite You"; "Just Try Making Your Bed With Me In It"; "I Know You Don't Want Me Up Here But I'm Going Up and Knocking Things Off Anyway" and "So What If Those Are Your Feet I'm Totally Attacking Them."

FAVORITE PLACE TO SLEEP: Above the kitchen cupboards.

TRIVIA: "One day, Sophie was making whining and moaning sounds, which is odd because her breed is not really that vocal. She had been playing with her reindeer toy on my roomate's rocking chair and managed to get her head stuck between the bars. We had to slide her body upward to where the space between the bars was a bit larger, and then twist her head sideways and pull it out. Sadly, no photographic evidence of this exists. Then there was the time I was brushing my teeth and she decided to jump into the sink just as I spat toothpaste. Do you know what it's like to scrub toothpaste off a cat?"

Monday, May 12, 2008


I love graffiti. I've loved it ever since I bought Twisted Sister's album Come Out and Play, with the band standing in front of giant wall, spray-painted with the band's logo.

I've never done it, because I don't know the techniques and the tricks and I don't know anyone who can teach me. These kinds of things aren't readily available on the internet; I think graf artists are pretty secretive* about how they do what they do, not wanting the form to become more prevalent than it is already. I'm going to make it an aim to produce one piece of graffiti this summer. I'm going to work on a design and find a spot and then I'll go out one night and just do it, and hopefully not fuck up someone's wall.

Anyway, there are some spots in Toronto with some pretty incredible work, and on Sunday I went out with my camera and took some shots of a lot of the graffiti around Queen and Bathurst; there's an alley just south of Queen that is covered in amazing, detailed and very colorful graffiti, and that area is where all of these pieces can be found.

While I was there -at NOON! Broad daylight!- a group of artists were there working on a bunch of new pieces. They didn't want me to take pictures of them working (because they're criminals) but they told me that they are the ones who've done all of the work in those alleys, pretty much.

*Watching them I did pick up that they get the specific, bold lines by breaking off the plastic nozzle from their spray cans. Lesson one...

Here is a selection of my favorite pieces from the alleys there. Click on the pics to see more larger versions. Enjoy.

Some of these were too big to fit into one shot, so they're put together using multiple photos. You can see the seams if you look, but I've tried to fit them together as best as I can.

The shading on this one is incredible:

I have no idea what this says:

I'm amazed at how well these guys can do people. The feathers in the head-dress blow me away:

"Bacon scam":

Friday, May 9, 2008


I have to admit that I've never liked Hillary Clinton much. Her friendship with Tipper Gore made her first amendment pedigree questionable to me as far back as high school, pre-Clinton White House. After Bill took office and humiliated her with Monica Lewinsky I was uneasy with her reaction; it bothered me how it seemed she allowed it to turn their marriage into a political front: My father cheated on my mom, and at the time especially it was something I couldn't imagine a woman letting go so breezily, and viewing it from the P.O.V. of their kids... It just seemed cheap to me. (Obviously, I had no insight into what was happening behind closed doors between a husband and his wife, but this was my reaction.) When she got into the race for president last year I started to turn a bit in my opinion of her. She was well-spoken, and seemed genuine at first. Unlike others, I actually welcomed what may have been a return to political influence for Bill Clinton... Though I hated what he did to his family, and the lack of respect he showed to the office of the president, I actually think he was quite a good leader when he was being president as opposed to the adulterer in the White House.

So, I'd started to like her. And then she lost some primaries. And when she lost some primaries she started attacking Barack Obama, who I think quite frankly is the real thing, despite all of the indie-band-of-the-moment hype that's surrounded his campaign. It's perfectly ordinary and right for one candidate to attack another's platform, to attack the perceived holes in their theories and plans, but Hill started to attack Obama in the cheapest place possible: His faith. Now, I'm not a religious man. I have my beliefs and would consider myself somewhat spiritual, I guess, but certainly not religious. My problems with the church are expansive and deep-seeded. But Obama is religious, and this is something that is important for an American president to be, and despite my leanings I think that religious faith is incredibly impressive these days and on some level I envy it. I find his faith comforting because it doesn't seem put-on to me, the way George W.'s does, or even Hillary's; it seems real and profound and the kind of thing that would help to keep him running the White House with a good heart, and an eye towards doing right. Anyway. Hillary started to attack his faith, insinuating that the man is a Muslim, and hypocritically mocking his Christianity openly.

I'm not even sure where to start with this.

A candidate for the presidency using the fact that an opponent's name sounds Muslim, and that his skin-color makes him appear Muslim is disgusting on so many levels, the most disgusting of which is that fact that it clearly spells out that she believes that being a Muslim is something of which the country should be weary, because, of course, Muslims are terrorists and want to kill all white people and have no souls or consciences and hate democracy and everything for which the USA stands. (FUN FACT! The USA is in fact not a democracy, it's a republic... This country, committed to spreading the cause of democracy around the world, does not even practice democracy within it's own shores.)

That she attacked his supposed Muslim religion while at the same time making fun of his Christianity exposed her as the sort of desperate, pathetic politician that gives all politicians such bad reputations. She showed herself to be an opportunist with little in the way of morals, and even less in the way of political savvy. (It's a good thing that in the USA political savvy doesn't count for much.)

When Al Gore lost the race for the White House to George W. Hillary, among many, many others blamed Ralph Nader, for taking votes away from Gore by running as an independent and staying in the race well past making a point.

Six months ago Barack Obama was polling without exception well ahead of Clinton and McCain. He was a lock. Now, it's ridiculous to think his numbers were going to stay as strong as they were, but he was in an incredible position, and the idea of the Republicans successfully side-stepping George W.'s legacy was a ridiculous. Even Republicans were admitting a almost insurmountable uphill battle.

But Clinton kept attacking, and attacking. and attacking. She's been in the race months after a victory became a practical impossiblity. The math is a joke. She can't win the nomination. She's been beaten by Obama and beaten again, but still she stays in attacking the man who will surely be her party's nominee for president, weakening the Democratic ticket every time she opens her mouth, and giving the Republicans -now sitting quietly watching her single handedly destroying her party- ammunition. "The Democrats can't even agree on a candidate! We picked one months ago! Ours must be much better than their guy!" Now McCain is polling even and in some cases ahead of Obama. She's Ralph Nader, but worse. You could say "Well, everything Hillary is saying would have come up eventually," and this is true. But: It's a hell of lot worse when it's coming from inside your own house than when it's coming from the people across the street. Had McCain attacked Obama's religion -and to be far, I don't believe he would- it could have been painted as party politics. But when Hillary says it? It's real now. It's a legitimate concern.

We're facing another four years of a Republican White House. Four more years of a party with no love for the poor or visible minorities. Four more years of a party willing to kill it's country's enlisted youth to make a point. And this because of an egotistical opportunist.

And here's a cheap shot for the haters:

(Hey, she's throwing the cheap shots around like tennis balls... She should expect a couple back, no?)

Friday, May 2, 2008


There’s a strange thing happening around Toronto, and I’m not sure if it’s meant as a (literally) sugar-coated “fuck you” to the human inhabitants of the city, or if it’s a vicious declaration of war against empty, useless calories.

I was walking into the core on the Saturday of the recent ATU strike (bus-fuckers) and I ran into my friend Laura... (The single positive thing about that greed-soaked day off for Toronto’s transit workers turned out to be that I ran into a lot of friends walking the streets.) We stood out front of the under-construction library near Dufferin and Bloor when I noticed something attached to the “Keep Out” sign near by...

It’s a cupcake. It’s a cupcake nailed to the sign. It says “TWAT.” Somebody made the cupcake, iced the word “TWAT” onto it, carried it to this spot taking pains not to ruin the icing, and nailed it through the centre to the pole, like some kind of sugary Christ-hand or eviction notice. Again, I wasn’t sure what it meant, but it was kind of funny, and we giggled and parted ways, going about our separate days.

Later that night I was at a small gathering at a friend’s place and I mentioned what I’d seen, and another party guest exclaimed that she’d seen it as well, and while we were explaining to the other people present about what we were talking, it became clear that the cupcake I’d seen, and the cupcake she’d seen were two different cupcakes. The one she’d seen, actually, had fallen off of the post and was lying at the base of the pole on the sidewalk. I asked her if she’d looked up to see if there were other cupcakes attached to the post, but she hadn’t. “Why would I?”

As a group we decided on a field trip and made out way down College Street, where she’d had her cupcake encounter, and lo and behold, lying on the sidewalk was a smooshed cupcake with the words “a dick” emblazoned.

Glancing up the post we saw two more cupcakes:

The bottom one goes with the one on the ground, presumably, and says “Go suck.” The top one says “Man up.”

Think of it as a kinder, gentler form of graffiti. “Grafectionary,” or maybe “candfitti.” Abrasive and insulting, yet sweet and easy to swallow. Rebel cupcakes dotting the urban landscape, challenging the city’s inhabitants, making us take deep and disturbing looks into our own selves. Are we, too, just sludge dressed up in sugary goodness? Are our niceties empty calories, hiding the vitriol within?

I’m not sure, but I have to admit to a craving for cupcakes this past week. I like chocolate ones with chocolate chips in the mix, chocolate icing, and maybe some of those little candy sprinkles they put on top. I almost wouldn’t even care if it called me a “fuck-wad,” or “dumb ass” or something, so long as it has it does so in sweet chocolatey goodness.


I was inspired to start this blog by my friend Shira Leuchter, who has one of her own called In the Sky and On the Road in which she writes about fashion and architecture and other such things. It looked like it might be fun.

On this page I’ll be waxing poetic on, as the subtitle above says, music and design, as well as art and other. It will be opinionated and self-obsessed, and hopefully occasionally funny and enlightening.

The title, Boats Made of Ocean, comes from a song by one of my favorite bands, Television.

Television were a first-wave punk band who weren’t at first glance a punk band. They were poetic and insanely melodic when others were abrasive and jarring. To this day they are regarded as one of he most technically proficient bands not just in punk but in all of pop music, which is stunning, considering their home is a genre known for housing barely competent players. (Sid Vicious, I’m looking at you.)

In the mid-1970's, Television quite literally built the stage on which punk was born, at CBGB’s in New York City. The bar was founded as a spot for bluegrass and country music singers to ply their trades, but Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd (the guitarists of Television) convinced it’s owner to allow them to play there on slow nights in return for building him a stage to replace the broken and tattered existing one. He agreed and a few weeks later Television shared that stage with The Ramones and history was in the making. The audiences for Verlaine’s shows became the bar’s bread and butter and country music dropped to the wayside and punk was born.

Anyway, the title of this blog comes from the song “See No Evil,” off of their brilliant debut, Marquee Moon. The lyric goes thusly:

I get ideas
I get a notion
I want a nice little boat
Made out of ocean

For whatever reason that lyric has always stuck in my head as being especially beautiful and interesting. It reminds me of being a teenager and depressed and just wanting the whole shit world to end and the hurt to just go away, but not in an emo sort of way. This will not be an emo blog.

And there it is, the first entry out of the way. To be honest, I’m not sure what kind of blog this will be. I’ll figure that out as I go.

I do know, though, that I picked up the excellent new Elvis Costello & The Imposters album, Momofuku, a couple of days ago, so I’ll be writing about that shortly...